Monday, June 14, 2010

Iranian Ships Ready to Sail To Gaza

Article in Jerusalem Post stating that Iranian Ships ready to sail to Gaza This reminds me of the old war games film many years ago where world war three was started in the Middle East.

As I posted yesterday i think the gang in Israel have lost their moral compass and now act irrationally unless they have planned to war with their neighbors with the flotilla killings as the match.

One Scenario that may take place is the following
  • Ships get raided by Israel
  • Next Ships have military escort and then it gets raided this creates a situation
  • Turkey pulls out of Nato and join Arab Coalition in what could be considered a war with Israel
  • USA supports Israel
  • Not sure what happens after that but it wont be good

To me this is Iran fault you don't try and steal a crazy dog's food but my gut is telling me that gang in Middle East have had enough and killing of people on flotilla may be the tipping point for real action.

How can this be diffused, open up Gaza and create a Palestinian state but that is too easy also I can't see Israel back down from Iran its not in their nature especially now.

Going back to my Matrix analogy, I cant see how this benefits the ruling structures unless Israel was the main factor in ruling structure all along.

Obama the Manchurian Candidate

I was a big Obama supporter and felt connected to him as we are both left handers and similar beliefs and understanding on perceptions based on our upbringing and how people view us.

I understand he had to make "the deal" to become president but hoped that once he was in the circle he would have more influence. But I think the biggest shock he would have got was when more then two thirds of congress and the senate told him not to say anymore bad comments on Israel.

Actions speak louder then words so if the Banks, Forbes 100 and Military Complex wanted a Manchurian Candidate what would their president be expected to do.

How does the following sound
  • Save the banks who supported candidate
  • Increase spending on Wars and increase numbers in Afghanasten
  • Increase funds for medical companies
  • Protect media rights by appointing people that worked for RIIA
  • Appoint Chief of Staff who is/was a duel citizen of Israel
  • Appoint members to control financial direction who have been in control of financial direction in private institutions
  • Create Stimulus package to support companies that supported him
  • Supreme court blocks ban or corporate spending on elections under his watch

My gut has been telling me that Republicans/Democrats have been under the same control just different sections of the same group fighting for control. Thats why its amazing that people call Obama a socialist. Really Hillary and Obama are in the same section. What was really funny about the whole situation is how the group tried to sabotage Mcain's run for Presidency which I am guessing Lieberman had the main role in that function.

What confirmed for me of the TPTB trying to sabotage his bid was when the main presentation he did was displaying the Walter Reed Middle High School instead of Walter Reed Army Medical Centre. I knew that he did not have the best of the best running his campaign so he was in real trouble.

In USA Elections the candidate that spends the most money usually win the elections and Obama outspent Mcain by nearly three to one. The meme that was put out there was that Obama was getting his money from contributions of regular people. Which is quite funny now, if you think about it.

I believe Obama is very smart and he understands what is happening but he can only produce based on the people he has put in power. From people he has appointed and the actions that they have done it seems he is acting as the Manchurian Candidate.

Obama has two daughters and I have three sons so I am sure his basic instinct is for the future of his children which is the main reason I have started posting again. I understand the blue pill looks very good at the moment for him but for our future he needs to take the red pill and hopefully that will be a major step in taking back control of our destinies

Interesting how Jessie Ventura who I have a lot of respect for was discussion how where is the proof that Obama is not a CIA Agent. I don't believe he is a CIA agent but he seems be doing work of people controlling CIA.

Who are the Powers That Be - TPTB

The Power That Be are also referred to as invisible hand, Elites or Machines as described in the Matrix Analogy. So who are The Powers That Be (TPTB) that are threatening our world.

From my readings on the internet the majority of people who have taken the red pill would say Banks, Military Complex, Six Main Media Companies and Seven Sisters (oil) are TPTB and think their is a small group of people pulling all the strings. I think it is more complicated then that

I can use natural selection for a lot of arguments and have used it for religion and think that has an affect on how the power that be have developed.

TPTB first started of as a small number of families that had large control over companies and organisations and ideologies but now these companies, organisations, ideologies and structures have taken more control on what is happening as more people have more control in the way things run.

The elite for the last 100 years has always had a significant affect but things started to go wrong once they started to actively take power as instead of controlling the politicians e.g George Bush Snr and i think that is when things started to go wrong. It has gotten to complicated for a small number of people to control the machines as complexity of controlling people has got harder while TPTB have got bigger and more complicated.

I don't believe the people in the power positions has wished it has gotten so bad but they are in the fight-flight response so not thinking rationally.

Military complex is the defensive mechanisms of TPTB but for it to be ready it needs to constantly train and have access to the best weapons.

Banks are the key in supplying what is needed to keep people producing things to support the TPTB. Debt is used to create things to motivate people while organisations like IMF is used to get more people to be able produce things for the companies under control of TPTB.

Courts, Politicians and Police are used to keep people on the right path in producing for the Company.

Media is used to motivate people in producing more products so that they can acquire things to make themselves happier but is also used for communicating to people what path should be taken and to distract them from what is actually happening to them.

Through Natural Selection the current masters have been able to take more control through choosing polititicans, judges and types of laws that are enacted and reducing the rights of the people. But this has led to bigger and more complicated machine which needs more energy to run and control of the machine is more complicated.

The worst case scenario for me is the main people of influence on the TPTB are ones pulling the Aipac type policies, if so we are really in trouble. Reason I am saying this, is you can see in the last twenty years how irrational some of the actions of Israel has been and can see them sacrificing a lot of the workers for the perception of their own safety.

My gut feeling is that there is less then one thousand people that have real control on the direction and ideologies and companies policies are having more influence then what was originally planned.

When I talk of TPTB am talking about US influenced machines I have no idea of the elites running in China or Japan but am guessing they have got caught up in this web.

I also think what has happened is program has been so good that it has corrupted the offspring of the main influencer's of THPB and so the new kids are lost in how to control it but more interested in the benefits that was used to control the people. So the structures, organisations, ideologies and companies it has created are now in control.

The main concept of control is the concept of getting people to do what TPTB want to what needs to be done. I think a lot of people are getting confused as they are not sure what they want to what they need to do now.

Main problem I see is that people are seeing so many lies that are being accepted they have trouble believing what is true. Every time a lie is is identified as a lie by a significant number of people then it is another bug in the program. There are currently, to many bugs in the program.

People have to take back control and stop feeling that this is all part of the world is about to end meme that I am guessing has infected some of the people that used to be in control.

If we follow the matrix analogy its either everything will have to be reset or the Machines and People who have taken the red pill will have to take control of Mr Smith (Debt/TPTB Companies)

But again who are the people that have the most influence on the machines. As people are part of organisations, ideologies and shareholders and how do we give them the red pill.

The Main Companies are

Company Name

Primary Industry

Revenue (US$billions)


capitalization (US$ millions)

Cap / Revenue



Saudi Aramco

Oil and gas






Khalid A. Al-Falih

Exxon Mobil

Oil and gas






Rex W. Tillerson,


Oil and gas






Jiang Jiemin,

General Electric







Jeffrey Immelt,


Oil and Gas






Alexei Miller

China Mobile







Wang Jianzhou


Information technology






Steve Ballmer

AT&T Inc.




$ 231,168.00



Randall L. Stephenson

Royal Dutch Shell

Oil and gas






Peter Voser

Procter & Gamble

Consumer goods






Robert A. "Bob" McDonald








Mike Duke, $12.44M


Oil and gas






José Sérgio
Gabrielli de Azevedo,

Berkshire Hathaway







Warren Buffett, $308.00k

Interesting I checked the main shareholders of all the main US companies and their was a consistent number of major shareholders in all the companies and that are the same. The shareholders are below when Vanguard and State Street seems the most prominent. But I think Capital Group Companies is the one that has the most control.

  • Vanguard Group, Inc. (The),
  • State Street Corporation,
  • Blackrock Institutional Trust Company, N.A.,
  • Bank Of New York Mellon Corporation,
  • Berkshire Hathaway, Inc,
  • Wellington Management Company, Llp
  • Blackrock Institutional Trust Company, N.A.

Of the companies above which are not private, you can see the main shareholders are each other. So really the main companies major shareholder would actually be the main influences of the above company if we were able to find that information out.

As actions speak louder then words and I cant get any information on who is in the Board of Capital Group and anything on its bosses Philip de Toledo and John Emerson. If you read comments about staff that left Capital it seem new management has taken over and its in chaos which kind of reflects whats happening in USA at the moment.

Below are some names, who I think may have an influence in the current direction we are going.

  • Rupert Murdoch - Media
  • Charles G. Koch - Oil
  • Warren Buffett - Finance
  • Sumner Redston - Media
  • T. Boone Pickens - Oil and Finance
  • Ned Johnson - Finance
  • Cargile - Agriculture
  • Michael Bloomberg - Control of New York
  • John Henry Bryan, Board Member of Jr - Sara Lee, Goldman Sachs, General Motors, British Petroleum, and Bank One.
  • H. Lee Scott, Jr - Board member of Goldman Sachs and Walmart
  • George Bush Snr - Not Sure
  • Dr. Mohamed Abdulla El-Erian - PIMCO IMF
  • John Brennan - (Vanguard CEO)

Below are the people that are doings gods work and hope they understand we and the environment are all god's children.
  • Lloyd Blankfein
  • Rahm Emanuel
  • Timothy Geithner
  • Stephen Friedman
  • Philip de Toledo

Matrix as analogy of current world problems

These posts have got me thinking about why Matrix is one of my favorite movies. The main shock of Matrix and was life altering moment for me was when neo came out of his cocoon type contraption.

My Analogy of Matrix compared to the current world problems are the machines are really the current structures/elite that need energy to survive. The energy that machines live off are people running on the treadmill of life creating energy (production/labour) for machines to live.

The matrix that people are in are the distractions of everyday life that motivates people to supply energy i/e movies, tv, video games, spiritual, getting drunk etc. The motivations use the classic parts of the brain which is fear, sex, violence, food etc. The link to people is through tubes but not physical but it is through organisations, radio, papers, tv, films and now the internet. The matrix is run on debt.

The machines also want more energy to build more machines and manage the matrix so try and get more people to get on their treadmills. So the example of getting more countries following the treadmill approach and get people in more debt which means they have to produce more energy. The new energy is mainly needed in building defense mechanisms and managing the matrix as the program has got more complicated as it has got bigger.

There are people who are uncomfortable with the treadmill and feel something is wrong and so search out answers and that is when they will either take the blue pill or the red pill. Of the people who take the red pill, the machines tubes make out these people to be crazy and show the people on the treadmill the negative consequences of people that take the red pill.

My idea is a lot of people understand the reality of what is happening but you can either go back to the treadmill (blue pill) or seek out understanding of what is actually happening (red pill).

For me personally i have taken the blue pill before as i like violence, sex and food that was being given under the current machines but now i am in the process of taking the red pill which i know will be a lonely and hard journey.

Why am i taking the red pill is because i think the machines have lost their way and in the search of producing more energy are now endangering the earth and all the pods that they are supposed to be managing.

I hope the above makes sense as it does to me or it could mean that i am getting a bit more crazier then i thought.

Really from the above analogy its either people produce more energy or machines use less energy or remove some of the machines so less energy is required.

For me the main problem is their is not enough energy to supply the machines to run the matrix so they need a reality check on the use of their energy but who are the machines.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Daily Kos

Part of the disillusionment i have been facing has come from the regular places that have reading and of those websites is Daily Kos.

I started reading Daily Kos and was bought into the whole idea of reality based arguments but now see it as just a vehicle for people to be divided and to focus their anger at the other side.

I am a firm believer of social justice types issues as it was a foundation of what was taught to me when creating my world view. I now believe that we are getting to a stage where the world cannot sustain the number of people on this earth using the current methodologies so will see how this world view plays out in my thinking going forward.

What the last elections in US has taught me is that Democrats and Republicans are both the same and their are not many differences if you look at their affect on the worlds problems.

In the end action is louder then words so doesn't really matter what the Democracts or Republicans say what you can really tell by their actions which seem quite similar to me. The difference I have seen depends on their actions on decisions effecting Banks and Military Industry

So going back to Daily Kos i just look at the diaries and never the front page articles, not sure why yet. I am getting feeling though sites like Daily Kos, Red State, Little Green Footballs are just sites to get motivated people to use the energy against each other instead of trying to really understand what are the real issues.

Its amazing to me what people will defend now compared to in the early days of daily kos it like in a bizarro world. But what is interesting is that you can see in some comments that people have taken the red pill.

Understanding Insanity of our lives

I am linking to this article on Zero Hedge. It is a bit hard to understand for people who are not used to psychology terms but it is the main reason i am posting again.

As my understanding of the essay are if we want to fix our problems we first have to understand them and then help other people understand them so that we can fix the problems. Because in the end we are the main cause of the worlds problems.

Peel the First Layer

For us to fix the problems we are facing in the world and if you believe we the people are the main cause of what is going wrong with the world the first thing that is needed is to understand the self.

Knowing yourself is the first step in being able to truly understand what the real problems facing the world. Without knowing your biases and how you deceive yourself it will be hard to truly comprehend and interpret the real issues facing the world.

I know i have internal biases based on experiences and information that i have read and don't know myself truly, but i know the world is sick and we are in trouble and believe some of information that economies are in trouble.

Blogging all this will also be help me understand myself better and hopefully this process will give a better understanding of problems we all face.

From discussions the people say this process is called self actualization which i am still not to sure about but from wiki it means the following

Self-Actualised person according to Maslow "He possesses an unusual ability to detect the spurious, the fake, the dishonest in personality, and in general to judge the people correctly and efficiently"

Common traits amongst people who have reached self-actualization are:[5]

  • They embrace reality and facts rather than denying truth.
  • They are spontaneous.
  • They are interested in solving problems.
  • They are accepting of themselves and others and lack prejudice.

Anyway to me knowing yourself is peeling the first layer in addressing our issues.

Why am i posting again

The reason I am posting again is I am worried about the world and what our future holds for us.

The main problem I can see is environmental and way society are moving especially western societies.

The main factor of the problem causing this is people and their understanding in how they are part of the problem.

Its also amazing in how i can only right in twitter based sentences so hopefully this exercise can increase my writing skills which are pretty bad to begin with.

Anyway here goes hopefully will do one post everyday.