Monday, June 21, 2010

Best Cities To Work in Terms of Earning Power

If I was to rank what is the best city to work in terms of earning power how can i weight it when currencies are artificially inflated and constantly changing. The best example would be oil as all cities use oil but problem each country and state may have different taxes based on oil so need a product that is universal.
So found article relating to Big Mac index and earning power which is listed below. My understanding is based on average salary how it would take to purchase a Big Mac.

  1. Tokyo, Japan - 10 minutes
  2. Los Angeles, United States - 11 minutes
  3. Chicago, Illinois United States - 12 minutes
  4. Miami, Florida United States - 12 minutes
  5. New York City, New York United States - 13 minutes
  6. Auckland, New Zealand - 14 minutes
  7. Sydney, Australia - 14 minutes
  8. Toronto, Ontario, Canada - 14 minutes
  9. Zürich, Switzerland - 15 minutes
  10. Dublin, Ireland - 15 minutes

I find the above very interesting especially in light of how Los Angeles, Illinois, Miami and New York are nearly bankrupt, so how many of their jobs are state jobs. I am sure Dublin is off the list now that Ireland is having a debt crisis. I am surprised that Auckland is in the top ten as lived in wellington and found that salaries were not that great but restaurants were good value but that was in the nineties.

And the worst cities for earning power

  1. Nairobi, Kenya - 158 minutes
  2. Jakarta, Indonesia - 136 minutes
  3. Mexico City, Mexico - 129 minutes
  4. Caracas, Venezuela - 126 minutes
  5. Manila, Philippines - 88 minutes
  6. Cairo, Egypt - 82 minutes
  7. Santiago de Chile, Chile - 69 minutes
  8. Bratislava, Slovakia - 62 minutes
  9. Mumbai, India - 61 minutes
  10. Budapest, Hungary - 59 minutes

In Suva i would guess its around 45 minutes.

In terms of worst cites surprised about Mexico City wouldn't expect it to be double mumbai and significantly worse then Manila


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