Friday, January 13, 2006

Stampede Annual Pilgrimage of Hajj

Over 340 people have died in the Annual Pilgrimage of Hajj at Saudi Arabia.

As people rushed for the stoning there was panic as they started tripping over luggage that was being spilt from a moving bus. This is the fifth time in 12 years that a large number of deaths have occurred at this event

Saudi Arabia had more the 60,000 Security and Health Workers to look after over two million people. So that is around one security official to handle 40 people and seem more then enough worker to manage the pilgrimags.

I got a feeling that the event wasn’t managed properly and security officials are not willing offend the pilgrimages so not able to put in the necessary measures that would stop these types of event happening.

Muslim associations are asking they members not to go every year. I don’t think this will work as more muslim's become financially able to go. The answer has to be in how Saudi officials manage the event.


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