Monday, January 02, 2006

Boggin New Years Day

Finished my third week of Blogging and get around 100 unique hits a week. This will dramatically improve now as I am getting around 10 daily google hits from people searching for Eddie Gurrero which is a misspelling of Eddie Guerro. Still no luck with my txt blog trial. I will give it a few months before abandoning that.

Mum should be reading this blog by now as I told her about my blog. Thinking about letting her post comments from Australia and my youngest son posting. Mum reading this blog is level 2 in terms of postaphobia

I am going to change my tactic to just build content and when I am getting at least 200 dialy unique hits from search engine hits. I will start my daily links. So far have not had any search engine hits on my buzz posts which is expected.

The only way content is going to be found in search engines is through spelling mistakes or being very unique. So expect main titles in each post to be misspelled. If I end up getting enough people consitently accessing this blog then I will change that approach.

I think I might be actually indexed by google now but will check how fast content is being updated


Blogger George said...

Comment from my mum that "And what do you mean - your mum is on level 2 of postiphobia? I'm not afraid of postmen or of posting!!!! "

Level two means that I am worried what people will think of what I post.

Since I am making up my own word I might as well use a new word so will use postiphobia instead of postaphobia

10:40 am  

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