Tuesday, April 30, 2013

TPTB and Tim Tebow

I am happy that Tim Tebow has left the Jets but what's really upsetting me is all negative press about him and how ESPN reports are saying that he will not be able to play again in the NFL.

First a really take on why he should play in the NFL
  • 2012 can be disregarded because he was not given a few games as starter to prove that he could play for Jets.
  • In 2011 he brought a team that was 1-4 and won eight out of 13 games including a playoff win.
  • In the playoff win he broke a number of passing records against the number one defense in that season
  • He was ranked as the 95 best NFL player by his peers going into the 2012 season.
  • He is a very popular athlete so fans will spend a significant amount of money to follow him.
  • Team chemistry, belief and winning are more important then personal stats.
Actions speak louder then words and lately there are a lot of words trying to disparage the actions of 2011. Its not like trying to see if a college quarterback can succeed in NFL he has succeeded in the NFL

We live in a world were western media try's to ridicule any signs of any spiritual religion and I think his playoff victory gave many religious signs that are enlightening when putting them together
  • NFL record for yards per completion (31.6) in a playoff game.
  • Tebow's passing yards (316) 
  • The Nielsen ratings for the game also peaked at 31.6. 
This relates to the famous Bible verse John 3:16 which he wears under his eyes and relates to "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.". What is the probability of this happening in Tim Tebow's biggest game of his NFL career so far. 

The biggest difference I see between real spiritual people and the distracted are that they are able to see signs of the spirits around us. They are so strong in their beliefs that it can counter all the negative stereotypes being portrayed in the media of believing in spiritual things

So what has this go to do with TPTB.  For me there are two possible scenarios that are being played out with Tim Tebow.

The first and main reason I wrote this was that he is being used as a distraction from whatever plans TPTB are in their timelines. Classic divide and rule tactics where both sides have valid points in their arguments. Got me so worked up I am posting about it because of the unfairness on what has happened to Tim Tebow.

Second Scenario which I didn't think about until reading up on 3:16 angle is that TPTB don't want real examples of spirituality as it will not fit well in them managing the distracted. Very hard to control people that are not selfish compared to people that believe that something else may control their life other then the path being dictated by TPTB.

For me the second scenario is the more dangerous to TPTB


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