Tuesday, February 21, 2006

How many ounces in a cup?

Following from my how many calories? post this is a how many ounces and cups

Some notes are that the ounces to cup conversion works for water and fluids with a high water content. This conversion will not work for "dry" goods such as flour, sugar, etc. or for chopped vegetables.
Eight ounces in a cup and 16 in a pound, but they measure different things. A cup is measured by volume and a pound by weight. So you can't be sure that two cups of, say, flour, weigh a pound. In fact, they don't.

How many ounce in a cup?
1 US cup = 8 US fluid ounces

How many ounce in a gallon?
1 US gallon = 128 US fluid ounce

How many ounce in a liter?
1 liter = 33.8140226 US fluid ounce

How many ounce in a pint?
1 US pint = 16 US fluid ounce

How many ounce in a pound?
1 pound = 16 ounce

How many ounce in a quart?
1 US quart = 32 US fluid ounce

How many cup in a gallon?
1 US gallon = 16 US cup

How many cup in a pint?
1 US pint = 2 US cup

How many cup in a pound?
1 pound = 2 US cup

How many cup in a quart?
1 pound = 4 US cup


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