Tuesday, March 22, 2011

persuasive talk topics

A persuasive talk is an oral argument designed and presented to convince or influence the listener to do a specific thing, such as vote for a certain candidate or support a cause. Trying to persuade an audience to your point of view in the speech.

I have done a lot of persuasive talks and the most important one I have actioned is the replacement of an 18 million dollar MySAP system have also been part of few presentations to our Prime minister and ministers on one of most important topics that our nation faced.

The most important factor for me in a pesuasive talk is that the audience believes that you believe in what you are talking about and if you want to change their mind they also much trust you. From their its just a getting all good facts and have a one or two wow moments where you give them an amazing stat or presentation. that they can remember the talk from.  For being honest and passionate about your subject is also very important and having good visuals tool is also very important to make sure you audience does not get bored in the presentation. Thats why power point has been one of the best tools in persuasive talks in my generation.

Humor at beginning is also a good way to get their guards done, since I am not good at humour a self depreciating comment works in its place.

Example of Persuasive talk topics are
  • Value of Federal Reserve Bank
  • Peak Oil
  • Global Warming
  • Multicultarism
  • Gold Standard
  • Bullying in School
  • Political Correctness
  • Language
  • Globalsation
  • Media Influence
  • Fad diets
  • Video Game Violence
  • Gay marriages
  • Subsidized Health Care
  • Use of Internet should be censored for kids.
  • Do ghosts exist?
  • Exams should not be mandatory.
  • Was life in the previous century better?
  • Will life in the next century be better?
  • Religious practices in public
  • The current tax system
  • Quantative Easing
  • United Nations
  • Deficit Budgets

Here is an outline that will enable your words to move your audience to accept your point of view.

Tells your audience what you are going to tell them and establishes the foundation for your speech. A good Introduction 'draws the map' for the journey. For a Persuasive Talk, an Introduction consists of ...

1. Attention-Getter:
A statement, visual or sound (or combination) that startles, gains attention and makes your audience sit up.

2. Bond : Link-to Audience:
Identify a personal connection in the audiences’ life, eg their use of the ‘device’ or system, or there emotional experience (grief and sorrow, happiness).

3. "Credentials" of Speaker (Credibility):
Demonstrate how you are an ‘expert’ through your own use, experience or study.

4. Destination / Objective Sentence:
State clearly why you are speaking at this moment. State yourGoal, Thesis or what you expect as an Outcome.

State your Destination.
An example may be .. “This evening/today I am here to convince you that .... is the most effective way to do business today"

5. Explain your Map to your Destination : Talk Preview:
Briefly outline what you will cover in your persuasive talk.
"This is where you will ... "
“Tell what you are going to tell them”
Transition: A transition is how you move from one section or point to the next. It is a linking idea.
You could say … “Let’s begin by ...”, “Let’s start with ...” or I prefer “Let’s consider …”

B. BODY of your Talk
The Body of your speech is where the detail is found and is best contained in THREE points (you can have more, but don't confuse your audience). For a Persuasive talk, this is where you will ...
“Tell them”

1. Main Point #1
State Point 1
State a Reason
Give an Example
Restate the Point
Transition: Create a linking statement to Point 2

2. Main Point #2
State Point 2
State a Reason
Give an Example
Restate the Point
Transition: Create a linking statement to Point 3

3. Main Point #3
State Point 3
State a Reason
Give an Example
Restate the Point
Transition: Create a linking statement to the Conclusion, eg “Let’s summarise ..." or “Can we consider these main points ..."

“Tell them what you have told them”
1. Restate thesis:
2. Restate main points:
3. Call-to-Action: eg “I encourage you to …”,
“Let’s all contribute …” ,
“… sign now …”,
“make a decision now to be involved …”
4. Decision-Maker (optional):
“Coming around is the petition …”

So using the above tools in creating a persuasive talk, I wish you luck in convincing other people in the problems the world is facing today.


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